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ID Author Year Reference Notes Region Taxa Edited
999 Lodos 1977 Lodos N.
Additional notes to the Turkish Curculionidae (Coleoptera) (Brachyderinae).
Turkiye Bitki Korume Dergesi 1(2): 29–38.
PDF 24 23.04.2018 09:35:45   Nikolai Yunakov

# Rank Taxa Page Notes Edited Desc Recs Pics Types Keys Syn. Host
1. Genus Polydrusus Germar, 1817 06.09.2014 22:16:10   barry
2. Species Charagmus stierlini (Reitter, 1903) This species so far known from Syria, Lebanon and Cyprus (M. .and F. van Emden, 1939; Sahlberg et Saalas, 1912-1913). This speci es constitutes a new record for Turkey. 20 specimens from Side (Antalya), 22.IV.1974 in my collection. They were taken on a species of Medicago which grows very ne ar to the sea shore. This species so far known from Syria, Lebanon and Cyprus (M. .and F. van Emden, 1939; Sahlberg et Saalas, 1912-1913). This speci es constitutes a new record for Turkey. 20 specimens from Side (Antalya), 22.IV.1974 in my collection. They were taken on a species of Medicago which grows very ne ar to the sea shore. 06.09.2014 22:16:10   barry
3. Species Coelositona cambricus (Stephens, 1831) This species previously recorded from Turkey but, based only to one specimen (Lodos, 1971). 4 Specimens from Gerede (Bolu), 23.VIII.1969 and 1 specimen from Kağızman (Kars), 13.YI.1973 in my collection. 06.09.2014 22:16:10   barry
4. Species Metadrosus bellus (Kraatz, 1859) Emet (Kütahya), 17.VI.1972; Datça (Muğla), 7.V.1972; Ula (Muğla), 6.V.1972; Soma (Manisa), 14.V.1973 06.09.2014 22:16:10   barry
5. Species Polydrusus (Conocetus) baudii (Faust, 1889) Mudanya (Bursa), 30. V. 1971 06.09.2014 22:16:10   barry Quercus sp.
6. Species Polydrusus (Conocetus) marcidus Kiesenwetter, 1864 6 specimerıs from Uludağ (Bursa), 18. VII. 1972; 2 specimens from ıznik (Bursa), 20. VII. 1972 and 1 specimen from Madran (Aydın), 3. VII. 1973 in my col1ection. They were taken mostIyon chestnut trees and few specimens also from oak trees. These host plants seem to be the first records for this species in Turkey. 06.09.2014 22:16:10   barry
7. Species Polydrusus (Eudipnus) cocciferae cocciferae Kiesenwetter, 1864 4 spcimens from Bigadiç (Balıkesir), 17.V.1972; 2 specimens from Tavşanlı (Kütahya), 13.V.1972; 2 specimens from Kütahya, 18.VI.1975 ın my collection. They were all taken on oak t rees, 06.09.2014 22:16:10   barry
8. Species Polydrusus (Eudipnus) jucundus Miller, 1862 This species constitutes a new record for Turkey. 3 spec. Uludağ (Bursa), 20. V. 1953; 1 specimen from Bahçeköy (İstanbul), 29. V.1955; 1 specimen from Neşet suyu (İstanbul), 3. V. 1968 and 1 specimen from Şarköy (Tekirdağ), 31. V. 1975 in my collection. These specimens were taken on oak and alder trees. 06.09.2014 22:16:10   barry
9. Species Polydrusus (Eudipnus) mollis (Stroem, 1768) This species was recorded from Turkey in Sinop and Trabzon by Eichler (1922). But since than it was not recorded again. Now it is found in severalother localities. 3 specimens from Bozöyük (Bilecik), 23. V. 1971; 7 specimens from Tavşanlı (Kütahya), 18. V. 1971; 7 specimens from Kütahya, 16.VI.1972; 5 specimens from Bursa, 20. V. 1973; 9 specimens from Uludağ (Bursa), 31. V. 1971; 6 specimens from Kemalpaşa (ızmir), 19. LV. 1974; 25 specimens from Muğla 6. V. 1972; 2 specimens from Soma (Manisa), 14.V.1973; 5 specimens from Keşan (Edirne), 9. V. 1971; 2 specimens from Şarköy (Tekirdağ), 31. V. 1975; 5 specimens from Balya (Balıkesir), 22. V. 1975 and 3 specimens from Giresun, 3. LV. 1971 in my col1ection. This specımens were taken on dak, hazelnut, pear and beech trees. 06.09.2014 22:16:10   barry
10. Species Polydrusus (Eurodrusus) armipes Brullé, 1832 In the previous paper (Lodos, 1972), there was no given locality for this species in Turkey. But re cent study showed that it distributes especially in western part of Anatolia. II specimens from Bayındır (ızmir), 24. IV. 1973 and 1 specimen from Kuşadası (Aydın), 18. V. 1972 in my eolleetion. They were all taken on hawthorn and wild pear trees. 06.09.2014 22:16:10   barry Pyrus sp.
11. Species Polydrusus (Polydrusus) hirsutipennis Pic, 1908 Karaman (Konya) and Adana; 6 Specimens from Gerger (Adıyaman), 7.VI.1976 and 2 specimens from Lice (Diyarbakır), 12.VI.1976 in my collection. All these specimens were taken! on oak trees. This host plant probably is the first record for this species. 06.09.2014 22:16:10   barry
12. Species Polydrusus (Polydrusus) picus (Fabricius, 1792) This species previously recorded from Turkey based onlyone specimerı (Lodos, 1972). 1 spec. Kırkağaç (Manisa), on was taken on beech tree, 24.VII.1973. Therefore this was second record of this species from Turkey. Its occurrence is extremely occasional and its host plant probably is Fagus sp. 06.09.2014 22:16:10   barry
13. Species Polydrusus (Polydrusus) picus viridimaculatus Pic, 1919 as picus F. 06.09.2014 22:16:10   barry
14. Species Polydrusus (Polydrusus) rubicundus Pesarini, 1973 Type locality is unknown 06.09.2014 22:16:10   barry
15. Species Polydrusus (Polydrusus) rufulus Hochhuth, 1847 This species previously recorded from Turkey only in Trabzon (Eichler, 1922). Now, recent studies confirmed that it distributes in most parts of northern Anatolia from Bolu to Artvin. 1 specimen from Yeniçağ (Bolu), 24. 5. 1967; 3 specimens from Başköy (Artvin), 1L.IX.1971; 6 specimens from Karçkar Dağı (Artvin) 22.VIII.1973; 4 specimens from Giresun, 8.VI.I973; 2 specimens from Perşembe (Ordu), 8.VI.1973; 14 specimens from Murgul (Artvin), 22. VIIL.1973; 2 specimens from Rize, L.V.197S; 1 specimen from Çiçekli (Trabzon), 8.VI.1973 in my col1ection. They were taken on hazelnut, dm and alder trees. But main host plant is alder tree. 06.09.2014 22:16:10   barry
16. Species Polydrusus (Polydrusus) tonsus (Desbrochers des Loges, 1897) This beautiful weevil is an endemic species for Turkey. it was desoribcd by Desbrochers in 1897. Founding localities being known as Bursa and Bilecik. Since 1906 it was not recorded again. But now, it seems to be distributed in fairly large areas in western Anatolia. 21 specimens from Domaniç (Kütahya), 4. V. 1973; 24 specimens from Tunçbilek (Kütahya), 4.V.1973; 23 specimens from Gediz (Kütahya), 3.V.1973; 1 specimen from Eğridir (Isparta), 27.IV.1973 and 4 specimens from Pazaryeri (Bilecik), 7.V.1973 in my collection. They were all taken from oak trees. 06.09.2014 22:16:10   barry
17. Species Polydrusus (Scythodrusus) inustus Germar, 1823 Malatya, Gaziantep, Diyarbakır and Amasya (Hoffmann, 1964; Lodos, 1972) The recent studies showed that its distribution is rather restricted to east.errı Anatolia and high places in middle Anatolia (see, fig.1). it is a polyphagous species feeds on the foliage of different fruit trees as well as on oak and elm trees. lts population is fairly large in many places in eastern Anatolia. 06.09.2014 22:16:10   barry
18. Species Polydrusus (Scythodrusus) ponticus Faust, 1888 This species distributes in very large areas in Turkey (see fig. I). it is one of the most important species for Turkey within the genus of Polydrusus. In general outline it resembles to P. inustus but can be easily distinguish it by the pillosity and general shape of abdomen. This one confined rather to west, south, middle and north west of Black sea coast. It is polyphagous and feeds on the foliage of many species of fruit trees and that of forest trees and shrubs. 06.09.2014 22:16:10   barry
19. Species Polydrusus (Scythodrusus) roseiceps Pesarini, 1975 This species has been named by C. Pesarini, whose description will appear very soon. A1though it was recently discovered, it has a large disribution area in the south-eastern Anatolia. plum, apricot, pear, pistachıo and sometimes occurs on oak trees also , Some parts in south-eastern Anatolia can be seen in large numbers and cause defoliation. However it is a minor pest at the moment. Several specimens from Ömerli (Mardin), 14.VI.1972 (which is the type locality); 14 specimens from Mardin, 12.VI.1972; 25 specimerıs from Aydınlar (Siirt), 16.VI.1972; 14 specimens from Lice (Diyarbakır), 12.VI.1976; 17 specimens from Solhan (Muş), IS.VI.1972 and 12 specimens from Hakkari, 13.VI.1976 in my col1ection. it is a polyphagous weevil and feeds on the foliage of several fruit trees such as almond, plum, apricot, pear, pistachıo and sometimes occurs on oak trees also , Some parts in south-eastern Anatolia can be seen in large numbers and cause defoliation. However it is a minor pest at the moment. 06.09.2014 22:16:10   barry
20. Species Sitona cinerascens Fåhraeus, 1840 2 specimens from Ödemiş (lzmir), 24.IV.1973; 2 specimens from Marmaris (Muğla), 7.VI.l973 in my collection. They were taken on various leguminous plants. 06.09.2014 22:16:10   barry
21. Species Sitona fairmairei Allard, 1869 General Distribution: So far it is recorded only from AIgeria and Armenia (M. and F. van Emden, 1939). This species constitutes a new record for Turkey. 1 specimen from Bornova (ızmir), 10.VI.1970 (on alfalfa); 1 specimen from Pazaryeri (Bilecik), 7.VI.1973 (onvetchling); 5 specimens from Baykan (Siirt), 12.VI.1976 and 1 speeimen from Malatya, 8.VI. 1976 in my collection. 06.09.2014 22:16:10   barry
22. Species Sitona gemellatus Gyllenhal, 1834 General distribution: Aigeria, Iraly, France, Spain, Germany, Belgium and Caucasia (M. and F. van Emden, 1939; Hoffmann, 1950). This species constitutes a new record for Turkey. 2 specimens from Kırklareli, 4.VII.1972; 2 specimens from Rize, 10.VI.1973 and 1 specimen from Tendürek dağı (Van), 7.VIII.1977 in my collection. 06.09.2014 22:16:10   barry
23. Species Sitona longulus Gyllenhal, 1834 This species has been recorded in Turkey damaging on alfalfa and sainfoin in middle Anatolia (Özer ve Duran, 1968). Since than it has been found in severalother places. 20 specimens from Hazar (Elazığ), 8.VIII.1971; 4 specimens from Sivrice (Elazığ), 10.VII.1975; 6 specimens from Eşmepınar (Muş), 12. VII. 1975; 4 specimens from Erzincan, 10.VII.1975; 3 specimerıs from Hamur (Ağrı), 10.VII.1974; 1 specimen from Iğdır (Kars), 3.VI.1973; 1 specimen from Kağızman (Kars), 12.VI.1972 and 9 specimens from Lüleburgaz (Kırklareli), 30.VI.1972 in my collection. They were mostly taken on alfalfa. 06.09.2014 22:16:10   barry
24. Species Sitona verecundus Rossi, 1790 Though this species was listed from Turkeyonly by Hoffmanıı (1950), its founding locality was not known definetely (Lodos, 1971). Recent studies confirmcd its presence in the Turkish fauna. 1 specimen from Tekirdağ,7.VI.1975 in my collection. 06.09.2014 22:16:10   barry

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