Ukrainian Biodiversity Information Network
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Catalogue »  Plantae »  Tracheophyta »  Polypodiopsida »  Gleicheniales »  Dipteridaceae »  Dipteris »  Dipteris conjugata Reinw.

Species:  Dipteris conjugata Reinw.

Observations (1)

KingdomPlantae PhylumTracheophyta
ClassPolypodiopsida OrderGleicheniales
FamilyDipteridaceae GenusDipteris
SpeciesDipteris conjugata Reinw.
  25.12.2018 22:39:12 Nadiya Sytschak Надія Сичак$
Dipteris conjugata
Australia, Cambodia, China, Fiji, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Samoa, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Taiwan, Thailand, Vanuatu, Vietnam
  IUCN status: Not Evaluated (NE)
The rhizome is creeping, of up to 1 cm or more in diameter and covered with stiff black shining, bristle-like hairs. The stipe is smooth, to about 200 cm tall and smooth except at the very base. The fronds are divided to the base into two spreading fan-shaped halves, each divided more than half way into 4 unequal lobes, these lobes are again less deeply lobed once or more times. The ultimate lobes taper to a narrow apex with the edges deeply toothed. The main veins are dischotomously branched several times. The sori are small, of irregular size and shape and scattered all over the lower surface of the frond or part of it. Indusia are absent.
Rank Taxa
Genus «« Dipteris    
Species     Dipteris conjugata Reinw. 1 1 1
Nested Taxa

Experts: Nadiya Sytschak: Plantae · Ekaterina Kalashnik: Plantae · Ivan Danylyk: Plantae · leopolitanus: Plantae · Tatjana Sova: Plantae · marina_golivets: Tracheophyta

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Dipteris conjugata
Nikolai Yunakov

  30.03.2014 05:59:31
02.12.2018 05:59:19    #95656
Views: 417

ID·West Java
Gunung Tikukur Mt., 35 km SW of B...
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