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  Catalogue »  Animalia »  Chordata »  Mammalia »  Rodentia »  Muridae Illiger, 1811     [systematic] · [species]
Family:  Muridae Illiger, 1811

References: 0/5 (0/5)

KingdomAnimalia PhylumChordata
ClassMammalia OrderRodentia
  06.09.2019 17:08:58 MGhazali Maria Ghazali
Passeriformes: Corvidae « Corvus brachyrhynchos Brehm, 1822   - American crow
Rank Taxa
Order «« Rodentia Bowdich, 1821     0 (19) 0 (1)
Family     Muridae Illiger, 1811 162 775 160 270 0 (5)
Nested Taxa
Genus Abditomys Musser, 1982    
Genus Abeomelomys Menzies, 1990    
Genus Acomys I.Geoffroy, 1838    
Genus Aethomys Thomas, 1915    
Genus Ammodillus Thomas, 1904    
Genus Anisomys Thomas, 1904    
Genus Anonymomys Musser, 1981    
Genus Apodemus Kaup, 1829     (1)
Genus Apomys Mearns, 1905    
Genus Archboldomys Musser, 1982    
Genus Arvicanthis Lesson, 1842    
Genus Baiyankamys Hinton, 1943    
Genus Bandicota Gray, 1873    
Genus Batomys Thomas, 1895    
Genus Berylmys Ellerman, 1947    
Genus Brachiones Thomas, 1925    
Genus Brassomys Musser and Lunde, 2009    
Genus Bullimus Mearns, 1905    
Genus Bunomys Thomas, 1910    
Genus Canariomys Crusafont-Pairo and F. Petter, 1964    
Genus Carpomys Thomas, 1895    
Genus Chiromyscus Thomas, 1925    
Genus Chiropodomys Peters, 1868    
Genus Chiruromys Thomas, 1888    
Genus Chrotomys Thomas, 1895    
Genus Coccymys Menzies, 1990    
Genus Colomys Thomas and Wroughton, 1907    
Genus Conilurus Ogilby, 1838    
Genus Coryphomys Schaub, 1937    
Genus Crateromys Thomas, 1895    
Genus Cremnomys Wroughton, 1912    
Genus Crossomys Thomas, 1907    
Genus Crunomys Thomas, 1897    
Genus Dacnomys Thomas, 1916    
Genus Dasymys Peters, 1875    
Genus Deomys Thomas, 1888    
Genus Dephomys Thomas, 1926    
Genus Desmodilliscus Wettstein, 1916    
Genus Desmodillus Thomas and Schwann, 1904    
Genus Desmomys Thomas, 1910    
Genus Diomys Thomas, 1917    
Genus Diplothrix Thomas, 1916    
Genus Dipodillus Lataste, 1881    
Genus Echiothrix Gray, 1867    
Genus Eropeplus Miller and Hollister, 1921    
Genus Gerbilliscus Thomas, 1897    
Genus Gerbillurus Shortridge, 1942    
Genus Gerbillus Desmarest, 1804    
Genus Golunda Gray, 1837    
Genus Grammomys Thomas, 1915    
Genus Hadromys Thomas, 1911    
Genus Haeromys Thomas, 1911    
Genus Halmaheramys Fabre, Pagès, Musser, Fitriana, Semiadi and Helgen, 2013    
Genus Hapalomys Blyth, 1859    
Genus Heimyscus Misonne, 1969    
Genus Hybomys Thomas, 1910    
Genus Hydromys É.Geoffroy, 1804    
Genus Hylomyscus Thomas, 1926    
Genus Hyomys Thomas, 1904    
Genus Kadarsanomys Musser, 1981    
Genus Komodomys Musser and Boeadi, 1980    
Genus Lamottemys F. Petter, 1986    
Genus Leggadina Thomas, 1910    
Genus Leimacomys Matschie, 1893    
Genus Lemniscomys Trouessart, 1881    
Genus Lenomys Thomas, 1898    
Genus Lenothrix Miller, 1903    
Genus Leopoldamys Ellerman, 1947    
Genus Leporillus Thomas, 1906    
Genus Leptomys Thomas, 1897    
Genus Limnomys Mearns, 1905    
Genus Lophuromys Peters, 1874    
Genus Lorentzimys Jentink, 1911    
Genus Macruromys Stein, 1933    
Genus Madromys Sody, 1941    
Genus Malacomys Milne-Edwards, 1877    
Genus Mallomys Thomas, 1898    
Genus Malpaisomys Hutterer, Lopez-Martinez and Michaux, 1988    
Genus Mammelomys Menzies, 1996    
Genus Margaretamys Musser, 1981    
Genus Mastacomys Thomas, 1882    
Genus Mastomys Thomas, 1915    
Genus Maxomys Sody, 1936    
Genus Melasmothrix Miller and Hollister, 1921    
Genus Melomys Thomas, 1922    
Genus Meriones Illiger, 1811    
Genus Mesembriomys Palmer, 1906    
Genus Micaelamys Ellerman, 1941    
Genus Microdillus Thomas, 1910    
Genus Microhydromys Tate & Archbold, 1941    
Genus Micromys Dehne, 1841     (1)
Genus Millardia Thomas, 1911    
Genus Mirzamys Helgen and L. Helgen, 2009    
Genus Muriculus Thomas, 1903    
Genus Mus Linnaeus, 1758     (2)
Genus Musseromys Heaney, Balete, Rickart, Veluz and Jansa, 2009    
Genus Mylomys Thomas, 1906    
Genus Myomyscus Shortridge, 1942    
Genus Myotomys Thomas, 1918    
Genus Nesokia Gray, 1842    
Genus Nesoromys Thomas, 1922    
Genus Nilopegamys Osgood, 1928    
Genus Niviventer J. T. Marshall Jr., 1976    
Genus Notomys Lesson, 1842    
Genus Oenomys Thomas, 1904    
Genus Otomys F. Cuvier, 1824    
Genus Pachyuromys Lataste, 1880    
Genus Palawanomys Musser and Newcomb, 1983    
Genus Papagomys Sody, 1941    
Genus Parahydromys Poche, 1906    
Genus Paraleptomys Tate & Archbold, 1941    
Genus Paramelomys Rümmler, 1936    
Genus Parotomys Thomas, 1918    
Genus Paruromys Ellerman, 1954    
Genus Paucidentomys Esselstyn, Achmadi and Rowe, 2012    
Genus Paulamys Musser, 1986    
Genus Pelomys Peters, 1852    
Genus Phloeomys Waterhouse, 1839    
Genus Pithecheir Lesson, 1840    
Genus Pithecheirops Emmons, 1993    
Genus Pogonomelomys Rümmler, 1936    
Genus Pogonomys Milne-Edwards, 1877    
Genus Praomys Thomas, 1915    
Genus Protochromys Menzies, 1996    
Genus Psammomys Cretzschmar, 1828    
Genus Pseudohydromys Rümmler, 1934    
Genus Pseudomys Gray, 1832    
Genus Rattus Fischer, 1803    
Genus Rhabdomys Thomas, 1916    
Genus Rhagamys Forsyth Major, 1905    
Genus Rhombomys Wagner, 1841    
Genus Rhynchomys Thomas, 1895    
Genus Saxatilomys Musser, Smith, Robinson and Lunde, 2005    
Genus Sekeetamys Ellerman, 1947    
Genus Solomys Thomas, 1922    
Genus Sommeromys Musser and Durden, 2002    
Genus Soricomys Balete, Rickart, Heaney, Alviola, M.V.Duya, M.R.M.Duya, Sosa & Jansa, 2012    
Genus Spelaeomys Hooijer, 1957    
Genus Srilankamys Musser, 1981    
Genus Stenocephalemys Frick, 1914    
Genus Stochomys Thomas, 1926    
Genus Sundamys Musser and Newcomb, 1983    
Genus Sylvaemus Ognev, 1924     1 (3)
Genus Taeromys Sody, 1941    
Genus Tarsomys Mearns, 1905    
Genus Tateomys Musser, 1969    
Genus Tatera Lataste, 1882    
Genus Taterillus Thomas, 1910    
Genus Thallomys Thomas, 1920    
Genus Thamnomys Thomas, 1907    
Genus Tokudaia Kuroda, 1943    
Genus Tonkinomys Musser, Lunde and Nguyen Truong Son, 2006    
Genus Tryphomys Miller, 1910    
Genus Uranomys Dollman, 1909    
Genus Uromys Peters, 1867    
Genus Vandeleuria Gray, 1842    
Genus Vernaya Anthony, 1941    
Genus Waiomys Rowe, Achmadi and Esselstyn, 2014    
Genus Xenuromys Tate & Archbold, 1941    
Genus Xeromys Thomas, 1889    
Genus Zelotomys Osgood, 1910    
Genus Zyzomys Thomas, 1909    

Experts: < empty >

Taxa SubTaxa Species Images Material
Species: Abditomys latidens (Sanborn, 1952)
Species: Abeomelomys sevia (Tate & Archbold, 1935)
Species: Acomys airensis Thomas and Hinton, 1921
Species: Acomys cahirinus (É.Geoffroy, 1803)
Species: Acomys chudeaui Kollman, 1911
Species: Acomys cilicicus Spitzenberger, 1978
Species: Acomys cineraceus Fitzinger and Heuglin, 1866
Species: Acomys dimidiatus (Cretzschmar, 1826)
Species: Acomys ignitus Dollman, 1910
Species: Acomys johannis Thomas, 1912
Species: Acomys kempi Dollman, 1911
Species: Acomys louisae Thomas, 1896
Species: Acomys minous Bate, 1906
Species: Acomys mullah Thomas, 1904
Species: Acomys muzei Verheyen, Hulselmans, Wendelen, Leirs, Corti, Backeljau and Verheyen, 2011
Species: Acomys nesiotes Bate, 1903
Species: Acomys ngurui Verheyen, Hulselmans, Wendelen, Leirs, Corti, Backeljau and Verheyen, 2011
Species: Acomys percivali Dollman, 1911
Species: Acomys russatus (Wagner, 1840)
Species: Acomys selousi De Winton, 1896
Species: Acomys seurati Heim de Balsac, 1936
Species: Acomys spinosissimus Peters, 1852
Species: Acomys subspinosus (Waterhouse, 1838)
Species: Acomys wilsoni Thomas, 1892
Species: Aethomys bocagei (Thomas, 1904)
Species: Aethomys chrysophilus (de Winton, 1897)
Species: Aethomys hindei (Thomas, 1902)
Species: Aethomys ineptus (Thomas and Wroughton, 1908)
Species: Aethomys kaiseri (Noack, 1887)
Species: Aethomys nyikae (Thomas, 1897)
Species: Aethomys silindensis Roberts, 1938
Species: Aethomys stannarius (Thomas, 1913)
Species: Aethomys thomasi (de Winton, 1897)
Species: Ammodillus imbellis (de Winton, 1898)
Species: Anisomys imitator Thomas, 1904
Species: Anonymomys mindorensis Musser, 1981
Species: Apodemus agrarius (Pallas, 1771)
striped field mouse
1 63 24
Species: Apodemus argenteus (Temminck, 1845)
Species: Apodemus chevrieri (Milne-Edwards, 1868)
Species: Apodemus draco (Barrett-Hamilton, 1900)
Species: Apodemus gurkha Thomas, 1924
Species: Apodemus latronum Thomas, 1911
Species: Apodemus mystacinus (Danford and Alston, 1877)
Species: Apodemus peninsulae (Thomas, 1907)
Species: Apodemus semotus Thomas, 1908
Species: Apodemus speciosus (Temminck, 1845)
Species: Apomys abrae (Sanborn, 1952)
Species: Apomys datae (Meyer, 1899)
Species: Apomys gracilirostris Ruedas, 1995
Species: Apomys hylocetes Mearns, 1905
Species: Apomys insignis Mearns, 1905
Species: Apomys littoralis (Sanborn, 1952)
Species: Apomys microdon Hollister, 1913
Species: Apomys musculus Miller, 1911
Species: Apomys sacobianus Johnson, 1962
Species: Archboldomys luzonensis Musser, 1982
Species: Archboldomys maximus Balete, Rickart, Heaney, Alviola, M.V.Duya, M.R.M.Duya, Sosa & Jansa, 2012
Species: Arvicanthis abyssinicus (Rüppell, 1842)
Species: Arvicanthis ansorgei Thomas, 1910
Species: Arvicanthis blicki Frick, 1914
Species: Arvicanthis nairobae J.A.Allen, 1909
Species: Arvicanthis neumanni (Matschie, 1894)
Species: Arvicanthis niloticus (É.Geoffroy, 1803)
Species: Arvicanthis rufinus (Temminck, 1853)
Species: Baiyankamys habbema (Tate & Archbold, 1941)
Species: Baiyankamys shawmayeri Hinton, 1943
Species: Bandicota bengalensis (Gray, 1835)
Species: Bandicota indica (Bechstein, 1800)
Species: Bandicota savilei Thomas, 1916
Species: Batomys dentatus Miller, 1911
Species: Batomys granti Thomas, 1895
Species: Batomys russatus Musser, Heaney and Tabaranza Jr., 1998
Species: Batomys salomonseni (Sanborn, 1953)
Species: Berylmys berdmorei (Blyth, 1851)
Species: Berylmys bowersi (Anderson, 1879)
Species: Berylmys mackenziei (Thomas, 1916)
Species: Berylmys manipulus (Thomas, 1916)
Species: Brachiones przewalskii (Büchner, 1889)
Species: Brassomys albidens (Tate, 1951)
Species: Bullimus bagobus Mearns, 1905
Species: Bullimus gamay Rickart, Heaney and Tabaranza Jr., 2002
Species: Bullimus luzonicus (Thomas, 1895)
Species: Bunomys andrewsi (J.A.Allen, 1911)
Species: Bunomys chrysocomus (Hoffmann, 1887)
Species: Bunomys coelestis (Thomas, 1896)
Species: Bunomys fratrorum (Thomas, 1896)
Species: Bunomys karokophilus Musser, 2014
Species: Bunomys penitus (Miller and Hollister, 1921)
Species: Bunomys prolatus Musser, 1991
Species: Bunomys torajae Musser, Achmadi, Esslestyn and Rowe in Musser, 2014
Species: Canariomys tamarani Lopez-Martinez and Lopez-Jurado, 1987
Species: Carpomys melanurus Thomas, 1895
Species: Carpomys phaeurus Thomas, 1895
Species: Chiromyscus chiropus (Thomas, 1891)
Species: Chiropodomys calamianensis (Taylor, 1934)
Species: Chiropodomys gliroides (Blyth, 1856)
Species: Chiropodomys karlkoopmani Musser, 1979
Species: Chiropodomys major Thomas, 1893
Species: Chiropodomys muroides Medway, 1965
Species: Chiropodomys pusillus Thomas, 1893
Species: Chiruromys forbesi Thomas, 1888
Species: Chiruromys lamia (Thomas, 1897)
Species: Chiruromys vates (Thomas, 1908)
Species: Chrotomys gonzalesi Rickart and Heaney, 1991
Species: Chrotomys mindorensis Kellogg, 1945
Species: Chrotomys silaceus (Thomas, 1895)
Species: Chrotomys whiteheadi Thomas, 1895
Species: Coccymys kirrhos Musser and Lunde, 2009
Species: Coccymys ruemmleri (Tate & Archbold, 1941)
Species: Coccymys shawmayeri (Hinton, 1943)
Species: Colomys goslingi Thomas and Wroughton, 1907
Species: Conilurus albipes (Lichtenstein, 1829)
Species: Conilurus penicillatus (Gould, 1842)
Species: Coryphomys buehleri Schaub, 1937
Species: Crateromys australis Musser, Heaney and Rabor, 1985
Species: Crateromys heaneyi Gonzales and Kennedy, 1996
Species: Crateromys paulus Musser and Gordon, 1981
Species: Crateromys schadenbergi (Meyer, 1895)
Species: Cremnomys cutchicus Wroughton, 1912
Species: Cremnomys elvira (Ellerman, 1947)
Species: Crossomys moncktoni Thomas, 1907
Species: Crunomys celebensis Musser, 1982
Species: Crunomys fallax Thomas, 1897
Species: Crunomys melanius Thomas, 1907
Species: Crunomys suncoides Rickart, Heaney, Tabaranza Jr. and Balete, 1998
Species: Dacnomys millardi Thomas, 1916
Species: Dasymys alleni Lawrence and Loveridge, 1953
Species: Dasymys cabrali W. Verheyen, Hulselmans, Dierckx, Colyn, Leirs and E. Verheyen, 2003
Species: Dasymys foxi Thomas, 1912
Species: Dasymys incomtus (Sundevall, 1847)
Species: Dasymys montanus Thomas, 1906
Species: Dasymys nudipes (Peters, 1870)
Species: Dasymys rufulus Miller, 1900
Species: Dasymys rwandae W. Verheyen, Hulselmans, Dierckx, Colyn, Leirs and E. Verheyen, 2003
Species: Dasymys sua W. Verheyen, Hulselmans, Dierckx, Colyn, Leirs and E. Verheyen, 2003
Species: Deomys ferrugineus Thomas, 1888
Species: Dephomys defua (Miller, 1900)
Species: Dephomys eburneae (Heim de Balsac and Bellier, 1967)
Species: Desmodilliscus braueri Wettstein, 1916
Species: Desmodillus auricularis (A.Smith, 1834)
Species: Desmomys harringtoni (Thomas, 1902)
Species: Desmomys yaldeni Lavrenchenko, 2003
Species: Diomys crumpi Thomas, 1917
Species: Diplothrix legata (Thomas, 1906)
Species: Dipodillus bottai (Lataste, 1882)
Species: Dipodillus campestris (Levaillant, 1857)
Species: Dipodillus dasyurus (Wagner, 1842)
Species: Dipodillus harwoodi (Thomas, 1901)
Species: Dipodillus jamesi (Harrison, 1967)
Species: Dipodillus lowei (Thomas and Hinton, 1923)
Species: Dipodillus mackilligini Thomas, 1904
Species: Dipodillus maghrebi (Schlitter and Setzer, 1972)
Species: Dipodillus rupicola (Granjon, Aniskin, Volobouev and Sicard, 2002)
Species: Dipodillus simoni (Lataste, 1881)
Species: Dipodillus somalicus (Thomas, 1910)
Species: Dipodillus stigmonyx (Heuglin, 1877)
Species: Dipodillus zakariai Cockrum, Vaughn & Vaughn, 1976
Species: Echiothrix centrosa Miller and Hollister, 1921
Species: Echiothrix leucura Gray, 1867
Species: Eropeplus canus Miller and Hollister, 1921
Species: Gerbilliscus afra (Gray, 1830)
Species: Gerbilliscus boehmi (Noack, 1887)
Species: Gerbilliscus brantsii (A.Smith, 1836)
Species: Gerbilliscus guineae (Thomas, 1910)
Species: Gerbilliscus inclusus (Thomas and Wroughton, 1908)
Species: Gerbilliscus kempii (Wroughton, 1906)
Species: Gerbilliscus leucogaster (Peters, 1852)
Species: Gerbilliscus nigricaudus (Peters, 1878)
Species: Gerbilliscus phillipsi (de Winton, 1898)
Species: Gerbilliscus robustus (Cretzschmar, 1826)
Species: Gerbilliscus validus (Bocage, 1890)
Species: Gerbillurus paeba (A.Smith, 1836)
Species: Gerbillurus setzeri (Schlitter, 1973)
Species: Gerbillurus tytonis (Bauer & Niethammer, 1960)
Species: Gerbillurus vallinus (Thomas, 1918)
Species: Gerbillus acticola Thomas, 1918
Species: Gerbillus agag Thomas, 1903
Species: Gerbillus amoenus (de Winton, 1902)
Species: Gerbillus andersoni Winton, 1902
Species: Gerbillus aquilus Schlitter and Setzer, 1972
Species: Gerbillus brockmani (Thomas, 1910)
Species: Gerbillus burtoni F. Cuvier, 1838
Species: Gerbillus cheesmani Thomas, 1919
Species: Gerbillus dongolanus (Heuglin, 1877)
Species: Gerbillus dunni Thomas, 1904
Species: Gerbillus famulus Yerbury and Thomas, 1895
Species: Gerbillus floweri Thomas, 1919
Species: Gerbillus garamantis Lataste, 1881
Species: Gerbillus gerbillus (Olivier, 1800)
Species: Gerbillus gleadowi Murray, 1886
Species: Gerbillus grobbeni Klaptocz, 1909
Species: Gerbillus henleyi (de Winton, 1903)
Species: Gerbillus hesperinus Cabrera, 1936
Species: Gerbillus hoogstraali Lay, 1975
Species: Gerbillus latastei Thomas and Trouessart, 1903
Species: Gerbillus mauritaniae (Heim de Balsac, 1943)
Species: Gerbillus mesopotamiae Harrison, 1956
Species: Gerbillus muriculus (Thomas and Hinton, 1923)
Species: Gerbillus nancillus Thomas and Hinton, 1923
Species: Gerbillus nanus Blanford, 1875
Species: Gerbillus nigeriae Thomas and Hinton, 1920
Species: Gerbillus occiduus Lay, 1975
Species: Gerbillus perpallidus Setzer, 1958
Species: Gerbillus poecilops Yerbury and Thomas, 1895
Species: Gerbillus principulus (Thomas and Hinton, 1923)
Species: Gerbillus pulvinatus Rhoads, 1896
Species: Gerbillus pusillus Peters, 1878
Species: Gerbillus pyramidum (É.Geoffroy, 1803)
Species: Gerbillus rosalinda St. Leger, 1929
Species: Gerbillus syrticus Misonne, 1974
Species: Gerbillus tarabuli Thomas, 1902
Species: Gerbillus vivax (Thomas, 1902)
Species: Gerbillus watersi Winton, 1901
Species: Golunda ellioti Gray, 1837
Species: Grammomys aridulus Thomas and Hinton, 1923
Species: Grammomys buntingi (Thomas, 1911)
Species: Grammomys caniceps Hutterer and Dieterlen, 1984
Species: Grammomys cometes (Thomas and Wroughton, 1908)
Species: Grammomys dolichurus (Smuts, 1832)
Species: Grammomys dryas (Thomas, 1907)
Species: Grammomys gigas (Dollman, 1911)
Species: Grammomys ibeanus (Osgood, 1910)
Species: Grammomys kuru (Thomas and Wroughton, 1907)
Species: Grammomys macmillani (Wroughton, 1907)
Species: Grammomys minnae Hutterer and Dieterlen, 1984
Species: Grammomys poensis (Eisentraut, 1965)
Species: Hadromys humei (Thomas, 1886)
Species: Hadromys yunnanensis Yang and Wang, 1987
Species: Haeromys margarettae (Thomas, 1893)
Species: Haeromys minahassae (Thomas, 1896)
Species: Haeromys pusillus (Thomas, 1893)
Species: Halmaheramys bokimekot Fabre, Pagès, Musser, Fitriana, Semiadi and Helgen, 2013
Species: Hapalomys delacouri Thomas, 1927
Species: Hapalomys longicaudatus Blyth, 1859
Species: Heimyscus fumosus (Brosset, Dubost & Heim de Balsac, 1965)
Species: Hybomys badius Osgood, 1936
Species: Hybomys basilii Eisentraut, 1965
Species: Hybomys lunaris (Thomas, 1906)
Species: Hybomys planifrons (Miller, 1900)
Species: Hybomys trivirgatus (Temminck, 1853)
Species: Hybomys univittatus (Peters, 1876)
Species: Hydromys chrysogaster É.Geoffroy, 1804
Species: Hydromys hussoni Musser and Piik, 1982
Species: Hydromys neobritannicus Tate & Archbold, 1935
Species: Hydromys ziegleri Helgen, 2005
Species: Hylomyscus aeta (Thomas, 1911)
Species: Hylomyscus alleni (Waterhouse, 1838)
Species: Hylomyscus baeri Heim de Balsac and Aellen, 1965
Species: Hylomyscus carillus (Thomas, 1904)
Species: Hylomyscus denniae (Thomas, 1906)
Species: Hylomyscus grandis Eisentraut, 1969
Species: Hylomyscus kerbispeterhansi Demos, Agwanda and Hickerson, 2014
Species: Hylomyscus pamfi Nicolas, Olayemi, Wendelen and Colyn, 2010
Species: Hylomyscus parvus Brosset, Dubost & Heim de Balsac, 1965
Species: Hylomyscus stella (Thomas, 1911)
Species: Hyomys dammermani Stein, 1933
Species: Hyomys goliath (Milne-Edwards, 1900)
Species: Kadarsanomys sodyi (Bartels, 1937)
Species: Komodomys rintjanus (Sody, 1941)
Species: Lamottemys okuensis F. Petter, 1986
Species: Leggadina forresti (Thomas, 1906)
Species: Leggadina lakedownensis Watts, 1976
Species: Leimacomys buettneri Matschie, 1893
Species: Lemniscomys barbarus (Linnaeus, 1767)
Species: Lemniscomys bellieri Van der Straeten, 1975
Species: Lemniscomys griselda (Thomas, 1904)
Species: Lemniscomys hoogstraali Dieterlen, 1991
Species: Lemniscomys linulus (Thomas, 1910)
Species: Lemniscomys macculus (Thomas and Wroughton, 1910)
Species: Lemniscomys mittendorfi Eisentraut, 1968
Species: Lemniscomys rosalia (Thomas, 1904)
Species: Lemniscomys roseveari Van der Straeten, 1980
Species: Lemniscomys striatus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Species: Lemniscomys zebra (Heuglin, 1864)
Species: Lenomys meyeri (Jentink, 1879)
Species: Lenothrix canus Miller, 1903
Species: Leopoldamys ciliatus (Bonhote, 1900)
Species: Leopoldamys edwardsi (Thomas, 1882)
Species: Leopoldamys milleti (Robinson and Kloss, 1922)
Species: Leopoldamys neilli (J. T. Marshall Jr., 1976)
Species: Leopoldamys sabanus (Thomas, 1887)
Species: Leopoldamys siporanus (Thomas, 1895)
Species: Leporillus apicalis (Gould, 1853)
Species: Leporillus conditor (Sturt, 1848)
Species: Leptomys arfakensis Musser, Helgen and Lunde, 2008
Species: Leptomys elegans Thomas, 1897
Species: Leptomys ernstmayri Rümmler, 1932
Species: Leptomys paulus Musser, Helgen and Lunde, 2008
Species: Leptomys signatus Tate & Archbold, 1938
Species: Limnomys bryophilus Rickart, Heaney and Tabaranza, 2003
Species: Limnomys sibuanus Mearns, 1905
Species: Lophuromys angolensis W. Verheyen, Dierckx and Hulselmans, 2000
Species: Lophuromys ansorgei Winton, 1896
Species: Lophuromys aquilus (True, 1892)
Species: Lophuromys brevicaudus Osgood, 1936
Species: Lophuromys brunneus Thomas, 1906
Species: Lophuromys chrysopus Osgood, 1936
Species: Lophuromys dieterleni W. Verheyen, Hulselmans, Colyn and Hutterer, 1997
Species: Lophuromys dudui W. Verheyen, Hulselmans, Dierckx and E. Verheyen, 2002
Species: Lophuromys eisentrauti Dieterlen, 1978
Species: Lophuromys flavopunctatus Thomas, 1888
Species: Lophuromys huttereri W. Verheyen, Colyn and Hulselmans, 1996
Species: Lophuromys luteogaster Hatt, 1934
Species: Lophuromys medicaudatus Dieterlen, 1975
Species: Lophuromys melanonyx F. Petter, 1972
Species: Lophuromys nudicaudus Heller, 1911
Species: Lophuromys rahmi Verheyen, 1964
Species: Lophuromys roseveari W. Verheyen, Hulselmans, Colyn and Hutterer, 1997
Species: Lophuromys sikapusi (Temminck, 1853)
Species: Lophuromys verhageni W. Verheyen, Hulselmans, Dierckx and E. Verheyen, 2002
Species: Lophuromys woosnami Thomas, 1906
Species: Lophuromys zena Dollman, 1909
Species: Lorentzimys nouhuysi Jentink, 1911
Species: Macruromys elegans Stein, 1933
Species: Macruromys major Rümmler, 1935
Species: Madromys blanfordi (Thomas, 1881)
Species: Malacomys cansdalei Ansell, 1958
Species: Malacomys edwardsi Rochebrune, 1885
Species: Malacomys longipes Milne-Edwards, 1877
Species: Mallomys aroaensis (De Vis, 1907)
Species: Mallomys gunung Flannery, Aplin and Groves, 1989
Species: Mallomys istapantap Flannery, Aplin and Groves, 1989
Species: Mallomys rothschildi Thomas, 1898
Species: Malpaisomys insularis Hutterer, Lopez-Martinez and Michaux, 1988
Species: Mammelomys lanosus (Thomas, 1922)
Species: Mammelomys rattoides (Thomas, 1922)
Species: Margaretamys beccarii (Jentink, 1880)
Species: Margaretamys christinae Mortelliti, Castiglia, Amori, Maryanto and Musser, 2012
Species: Margaretamys elegans Musser, 1981
Species: Margaretamys parvus Musser, 1981
Species: Mastacomys fuscus Thomas, 1882
Species: Mastomys awashensis Lavrenchenko, Likhnova and Baskevich, 1998
Species: Mastomys coucha (A.Smith, 1834)
Species: Mastomys erythroleucus (Temminck, 1853)
Species: Mastomys huberti (Wroughton, 1909)
Species: Mastomys kollmannspergeri (F. Petter, 1957)
Species: Mastomys natalensis (A.Smith, 1834)
Species: Mastomys pernanus (Kershaw, 1921)
Species: Mastomys shortridgei (St. Leger, 1933)
Species: Maxomys alticola (Thomas, 1888)
Species: Maxomys baeodon (Thomas, 1894)
Species: Maxomys bartelsii (Jentink, 1910)
Species: Maxomys dollmani (Ellerman, 1941)
Species: Maxomys hellwaldii (Jentink, 1878)
Species: Maxomys hylomyoides (Robinson and Kloss, 1916)
Species: Maxomys inas (Bonhote, 1906)
Species: Maxomys inflatus (Robinson and Kloss, 1916)
Species: Maxomys moi (Robinson and Kloss, 1922)
Species: Maxomys musschenbroekii (Jentink, 1879)
Species: Maxomys ochraceiventer (Thomas, 1894)
Species: Maxomys pagensis (Miller, 1903)
Species: Maxomys panglima (Robinson, 1921)
Species: Maxomys rajah (Thomas, 1894)
Species: Maxomys surifer (Miller, 1900)
Species: Maxomys wattsi Musser, 1991
Species: Maxomys whiteheadi (Thomas, 1894)
Species: Melasmothrix naso Miller and Hollister, 1921
Species: Melomys aerosus (Thomas, 1920)
Species: Melomys arcium (Thomas, 1913)
Species: Melomys bannisteri Kitchener and Maryanto, 1993
Species: Melomys bougainville Troughton, 1936
Species: Melomys burtoni (Ramsay, 1887)
Species: Melomys capensis Tate, 1951
Species: Melomys caurinus (Thomas, 1921)
Species: Melomys cervinipes (Gould, 1852)
Species: Melomys cooperae Kitchener, in Kitchener and Maryanto, 1995
Species: Melomys dollmani Rümmler, 1935
Species: Melomys fraterculus (Thomas, 1920)
Species: Melomys frigicola Tate, 1951
Species: Melomys fulgens (Thomas, 1920)
Species: Melomys howi Kitchener, in Kitchener and Suyanto, 1996
Species: Melomys leucogaster (Jentink, 1908)
Species: Melomys lutillus (Thomas, 1913)
Species: Melomys matambuai Flannery, Colgan and Trimble, 1994
Species: Melomys obiensis (Thomas, 1911)
Species: Melomys paveli Helgen, 2003
Species: Melomys rubicola Thomas, 1924
Species: Melomys rufescens (Alston, 1877)
Species: Melomys spechti Flannery and Wickler, 1990
Species: Melomys talaudium (Thomas, 1921)
Species: Meriones arimalius Cheesman & Hinton, 1924
Species: Meriones chengi Wang, 1964
Species: Meriones crassus Sundevall, 1842
Species: Meriones dahli Shidlovsky, 1962
Species: Meriones grandis Cabrera, 1907
Species: Meriones hurrianae Jordon, 1867
Species: Meriones libycus Lichtenstein, 1823
Species: Meriones meridianus (Pallas, 1773)
Species: Meriones persicus (Blanford, 1875)
Species: Meriones rex Yerbury and Thomas, 1895
Species: Meriones sacramenti Thomas, 1922
Species: Meriones shawi (Duvernoy, 1842)
Species: Meriones tamariscinus (Pallas, 1773)
Species: Meriones tristrami Thomas, 1892
Species: Meriones unguiculatus (Milne-Edwards, 1867)
Species: Meriones vinogradovi Heptner, 1931
Species: Meriones zarudnyi Heptner, 1937
Species: Mesembriomys gouldii (Gray, 1843)
Species: Mesembriomys macrurus (Peters, 1876)
Species: Micaelamys granti (Wroughton, 1908)
Species: Micaelamys namaquensis (A.Smith, 1834)
Species: Microdillus peeli (de Winton, 1898)
Species: Microhydromys argenteus Helgen, Leary and Aplin, 2010
Species: Microhydromys richardsoni Tate & Archbold, 1941
Species: Micromys minutus (Pallas, 1771)
Eurasian harvest mouse
1 11 9
Species: Millardia gleadowi (Murray, 1886)
Species: Millardia kathleenae Thomas, 1914
Species: Millardia kondana Mishra and Dhanda, 1975
Species: Millardia meltada (Gray, 1837)
Species: Mirzamys louiseae Helgen and L. Helgen, 2009
Species: Mirzamys norahae Helgen and L. Helgen, 2009
Species: Muriculus imberbis (Rüppell, 1842)
Species: Mus baoulei (Vermeiren and Verheyen, 1980)
Species: Mus booduga (Gray, 1837)
Species: Mus bufo (Thomas, 1906)
Species: Mus callewaerti (Thomas, 1925)
Species: Mus caroli Bonhote, 1902
Species: Mus cervicolor Hodgson, 1845
Species: Mus cookii Ryley, 1914
Species: Mus crociduroides (Robinson and Kloss, 1916)
Species: Mus famulus Bonhote, 1898
Species: Mus fernandoni (Phillips, 1932)
Species: Mus fragilicauda Auffray, Orth, Catalan, Gonzalez, Desmarais & Bonhomme, 2003
Species: Mus goundae F. Petter and Genest, 1970
Species: Mus haussa (Thomas and Hinton, 1920)
Species: Mus indutus (Thomas, 1910)
Species: Mus macedonicus Petrov and Ruzic, 1983
Species: Mus mahomet Rhoads, 1896
Species: Mus mattheyi F. Petter, 1969
Species: Mus mayori (Thomas, 1915)
Species: Mus minutoides A.Smith, 1834
Species: Mus musculoides Temminck, 1853
Species: Mus musculus Linnaeus, 1758
house mouse
1 24 13
Species: Mus neavei (Thomas, 1910)
Species: Mus nitidulus Blyth, 1859
Species: Mus orangiae (Roberts, 1926)
Species: Mus oubanguii F. Petter and Genest, 1970
Species: Mus pahari Thomas, 1916
Species: Mus phillipsi Wroughton, 1912
Species: Mus platythrix Bennett, 1832
Species: Mus saxicola Elliot, 1839
Species: Mus setulosus Peters, 1876
Species: Mus setzeri F. Petter, 1978
Species: Mus shortridgei (Thomas, 1914)
Species: Mus sorella (Thomas, 1909)
Species: Mus spicilegus Petényi, 1882
1 24 27
Species: Mus spretus Lataste, 1883
Species: Mus tenellus (Thomas, 1903)
Species: Mus terricolor Blyth, 1851
Species: Mus triton (Thomas, 1909)
Species: Mus vulcani (Robinson and Kloss, 1919)
Species: Musseromys anacuao Heaney, Balete, Rickart, Veluz and Jansa, 2014
Species: Musseromys beneficus Heaney, Balete, Rickart, Veluz and Jansa, 2014
Species: Musseromys gulantang Heaney, Balete, Rickart, Veluz and Jansa, 2009
Species: Musseromys inopinatus Heaney, Balete, Rickart, Veluz and Jansa, 2014
Species: Mylomys dybowskii (Pousargues, 1893)
Species: Mylomys rex (Thomas, 1906)
Species: Myomyscus angolensis (Bocage, 1890)
Species: Myomyscus brockmani (Thomas, 1908)
Species: Myomyscus verreauxii (A.Smith, 1834)
Species: Myomyscus yemeni (Sanborn and Hoogstraal, 1953)
Species: Myotomys sloggetti (Thomas, 1902)
Species: Myotomys unisulcatus (F. Cuvier, 1829)
Species: Nesokia bunnii (Khajuria, 1981)
Species: Nesokia indica (Gray, 1830)
Short-tailed bandicoot rat
1 1 1
Species: Nesoromys ceramicus (Thomas, 1920)
Species: Nilopegamys plumbeus Osgood, 1928
Species: Niviventer andersoni (Thomas, 1911)
Species: Niviventer brahma (Thomas, 1914)
Species: Niviventer cameroni (Chasen, 1940)
Species: Niviventer confucianus (Milne-Edwards, 1871)
Species: Niviventer coninga (Swinhoe, 1864)
Species: Niviventer cremoriventer (Miller, 1900)
Species: Niviventer culturatus (Thomas, 1917)
Species: Niviventer eha (Wroughton, 1916)
Species: Niviventer excelsior (Thomas, 1911)
Species: Niviventer fraternus (Robinson and Kloss, 1916)
Species: Niviventer fulvescens (Gray, 1847)
Species: Niviventer hinpoon (J. T. Marshall Jr., 1976)
Species: Niviventer langbianis (Robinson and Kloss, 1922)
Species: Niviventer lepturus (Jentink, 1879)
Species: Niviventer niviventer (Hodgson, 1836)
Species: Niviventer rapit (Bonhote, 1903)
Species: Niviventer tenaster (Thomas, 1916)
Species: Notomys alexis Thomas, 1922
Species: Notomys amplus Brazenor, 1936
Species: Notomys aquilo Thomas, 1921
Species: Notomys cervinus (Gould, 1853)
Species: Notomys fuscus (Wood Jones, 1925)
Species: Notomys longicaudatus (Gould, 1844)
Species: Notomys macrotis Thomas, 1921
Species: Notomys mitchellii (Ogilby, 1838)
Species: Notomys mordax Thomas, 1922
Species: Oenomys hypoxanthus (Pucheran, 1855)
Species: Oenomys ornatus Thomas, 1911
Species: Otomys anchietae (Bocage, 1882)
Species: Otomys angoniensis Wroughton, 1906
Species: Otomys barbouri Lawrence and Loveridge, 1953
Species: Otomys burtoni Thomas, 1918
Species: Otomys cheesmani Taylor, Lavrenchenko, Carleton, Verheyen, Bennett, Oosthuizen and Maree, 2011