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Catalogue »  Plantae »  Tracheophyta »  Liliopsida »  Poales »  Poaceae »  Panicum »  Panicum boscii Poir.

Species:  Panicum boscii Poir.
Bosc's panicgrass, Bosc's rosette-panicgrass


KingdomPlantae PhylumTracheophyta
ClassLiliopsida OrderPoales
FamilyPoaceae GenusPanicum
SpeciesPanicum boscii Poir.
 Bosc's panicgrass, Bosc's rosette-panicgrass
  23.01.2020 09:18:04 Nadiya Sytschak Надія Сичак$
Panicum boscii
United States of America
Native to: Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Masachusettes, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode I., South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia.
  IUCN status: Not Evaluated (NE)
Plants forming small clumps, with knotty rhizomes less than 2 mm thick. Basal rosettes well-differentiated; sheaths pubescent; blades ovate to lanceolate, dark green. Culms 25-75 cm, initially erect, often sprawling in the fall, nodes densely retrorsely bearded; internodes glabrous, or pilose with papillose-based hairs; fall phase branching from the midculm nodes, branches nearly erect, sparsely rebranching, blades and secondary panicles only slightly reduced. Cauline leaves 4-6, often with a transitional leaf above the basal rosette; sheaths not overlapping, bases puberulent to retrorsely pilose, margins ciliate, collars pubescent; ligules 0.4-0.9 mm, membranous, ciliate, cilia longer than the membranous portion; blades 3-6 times longer than wide, 15-40 mm wide, ovate-lanceolate, glabrous, puberulent, or pilose, with 11-15 major veins and 40-120 minor veins, bases cordate, margins with papillose-based cilia. Panicles 4-12 cm long, 4-12 cm wide, about as long as wide when fully expanded, partially included to tardily exserted, with 16-60 spikelets. Spikelets 3.8-5.2 mm long, 1.7-2.2 mm wide, narrowly ellipsoid, pubescent or puberulent. Lower glumes 1/3-1/2 as long as the spikelets, narrowly triangular; upper glumes shorter than the spikelets; lower florets usually staminate; upper florets pointed, with a minute tuft of hairs. 2n = 18,36.
Rank Taxa
Genus «« Panicum     0 (2)
Species     Panicum boscii Poir. 1 1
Nested Taxa

Experts: Nadiya Sytschak: Plantae · Ekaterina Kalashnik: Plantae · Ivan Danylyk: Plantae · leopolitanus: Plantae · Tatjana Sova: Plantae · marina_golivets: Tracheophyta

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