Ukrainian Biodiversity Information Network
Національна мережа інформації з біорізноманіття
Geography · List

List of regions:
# State (reg.) name Code Latitude (center) Longitude (center) childs taxa sp. img
# << Country: Central African Republic 6.504555 20.60242 16 25 6 2
1. Bamingui-Bangoran 8.418775 20.575183
2. Basse-Kotto 4.890947 21.365788
3. Gribingui 7.187677 19.332338
4. Haut-Mbomou 6.308823 25.588668
5. Haute-Kotto 7.469223 22.920132
6. Haute-Sangha 4.563792 15.923336
7. Kemo-Gribingui 5.799838 19.298441
8. Lobaye 4.173203 17.619894
9. Mbomou 5.507329 23.393023
10. Nana-Mambere 5.69594 15.377742
11. Ombella-Mpoko 5.115723 17.998743
12. Ouaka 6.126258 20.751757
13. Ouham 6.917598 17.882071
14. Ouham-Pende 6.72584 16.130796
15. Sangha 3.467435 16.279149
16. Vakaga 9.808853 22.518511

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