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  Catalogue »  Animalia »  Arthropoda »  Insecta »  Coleoptera »  Polyphaga »  Cucujiformia »  Curculionoidea »  Curculionidae »  Entiminae »  Phyllobiini »  Phyllobius Germar, 1823: 447     [species]
Genus:  Phyllobius Germar, 1823: 447
Phyllobius Germar, 1823: 447

References: 33/68 (2/7)

References: Current Taxa: 33 Nested Taxa: 68
  Downloads: Current Taxa: 2 Nested Taxa: 7
# Year Author / Title Remark Taxa     ID
1. 2020 Gosik R. & Sprick P.
Description of the mature larvae of eight Phyllobius Germar, 1824 species with notes about life cycles, host plant use and vertical distribution (Curculionidae: Entiminae: Phyllobiini).
Weevil News, 89: 40 pp.. (description)
8 ... 4439
2. 2011 Dedyukhin S.V.
Materials on the interesting findings of weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionoidea) in the east of the Russian plain.
Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta. Ser.6. Biologia. Nauka o Zemle. 2011. No2. P.90–104. (records)
17 ... 2557
3. 2010 Ødegaard F., Berggren K.
The first European records of the arborvitae weevil Phyllobius intrusus Kono, 1948 (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) in Norway.
Norwegian Journal of Entomology, 57(2): 162–165. (records)
3 ... 2279
4. 2008 Bolu H., Legalov A.
On the Curculionoidea (Coleoptera) fauna of Almond (Amygdalus
communis L.) Orchards in South-eastern and Eastern Anatolia in
Baltic J. Coleopterol. 8(1) 2008. (records)
11 ... 2365
5. 2007 Yunakov N.N. & Korotyaev B.A.
Review of the subgenus Metaphyllobius Smirnov (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Entiminae) of East Europe and Siberia.
Entomologitsheskoe Obozrenie, 86(3): 687-703.. (records, keys)
14 ... 2417
6. 2006 Alonso-Zarazaga M.A.
Preliminary checklist of the Curculionoidea (Coleoptera) of Comunidad de Madrid (Spain).
Graellsia, 62(número extraordinario): 43–52 (2006). (records)
104 ... 1987
7. 2005 Dedyukhin S.V., Nikitsky N.B., Semenov V.B.
Checklist of beetles (Coleoptera) of Udmurtia.
Eurasian Entomological Journal 4(4): 293-315. [in Russian]. (records)
11 ... 2290
8. 2005 Dmitrieva I.N.
Фауна и особенности экологии долгоносикообразных жуков (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) на севере лесостепи Приволжской возвышенности. [Fauna and ecological characteristics of the weevils in north of Volga upland forest-steppe].
Чебоксары. 180 с.. (records)
13 ... 817
9. 2005 Wanat M.
Phyllobius fessus Boheman 1843, a new weevil species in Poland and Lithuania (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).
Genus, 16(4): 611–617.
3 ... 1087
10. 2005 Wanat M., Mokrzycki T.
A new checklist of the weevils of Poland (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea).
Genus, 16(1): 69–117 [31–III–2005]. (records)
74 ... 1441
11. 2004 Borovec R., Magnano L.
Two new species of Phyllobiini from Syria, Turkey, Lebanon and Israel (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae: Phyllobiini).
Snudebiller 5: 6–24.. (description)
4 ... 1099
12. 2004 Silfverberg H.
Enumeratio nova Coleopterorum Fennoscandiae, Daniae et Baltiae.
Sahlbergia 9(1): 1–111.. (records)
29 ... 1431
13. 2002 Anderson R.S., Howden A.T.
131. Curculionidae Latreille 1802. XII. Entiminae Schoenherr 1823 (pp. 45-61).
In: Arnett R.H. Jr., Thomas M.C., Skelley P.E., Frank J.H. (Eds.) American beetles. Polyphaga: Scarabaeidea through Curculionoidea. Vol. 2. CRS Press LLC. (records, keys)
153 ... 1449
14. 1991 Karasev V.P.
To the typology of scaling in weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionidae).
Entomologitsheskoe Obozrenie 70(2): 316-320 + 4 plates. (records)
12 ... 2278
15. 1984 Korotyaev B.A.
Addenda to the fauna of weevil genus Phyllobius Germ. (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) of Mongolia and USSR.
Insects of Mongolia, Vol.9. Leningrad: Nauka publ. P. 356– 365.. (description, records)
6 ... 839
16. 1981 Frieser R.
Unterfamilie: Otiorhynchinae. Pp. 184–240.
In: Freude H., K.W.Harde, G. A. Lohse (eds.), Die Käfer Mitteleuropas. Band 10. Bruchidae, Anthribidae, Scolytidae, Platypodidae, Curculionidae. – Goecke & Evers, Krefeld. 310 pp..
12 ... 225
Poludrusus Germar, 1817 and Phyllobius Germar, 1824 (Insecta: Coleoptera): conserved in accordence with current usage. Opinion 1179.
Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 38(2): 117–119.. (records)
6 ... 989
18. 1978 Fremuth J.
Phyllobius brems Gyllenchal und seine Verwandten (Coleoptera. Curculionidae).
Annot. zool. bot. Bratislava 127
. (description, records, illustrations, keys)
4 ... 3639
19. 1977 Arnoldi L.V., Korotyaev B.A.
Description of Phyllobius kaszabi sp. n. (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) from Mongoli.
В кн.: Насекомые Монголии. Вып. 5. Л.: Наука. С. 376–378.. (description, records)
4 ... 810
20. 1977 Korotyaev B.A., Egorov A.B.
Обзор долгоносиков рода Phyllobius Germ. (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) фауны Восточной Сибири, Дальнего Востока СССР и Монголии и замечания о видах из других районов //.
Насекомые Монголии. Вып.5. Л. C. 379–449.. (records)
9 ... 833
21. 1977 Zarkua Z.D.
Weevils (Coleoptera, Attelabidae and Curculionidae) of Abkhazia [Жуки-долгоносики (Coleoptera, Attelabidae и Curculionidae) Абхазии].
Academy of Science of Azerbajan, Institute of Zoology. PhD thesis abstract. Baku 1977: 1–26. In Russian. (records)
19 ... 1263
22. 1974 Bajtenov M.S.
Novye vidy zhukov-dolgonosikov (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) iz Kazakhstana. New species of weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) from Kazakhstan.
Izvestia Akademii Nauk Kazakhskoi SSR (Ser. Biol.) 1974(4): 30–39. (description, illustrations)
18 ... 1015
23. 1959 Voss E.
Afghanistans Curculioniden fauna, nach den jüngsten Forschungsergebnisse, Zusammengestellt (155. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Curculioniden).
Entomologische Blätter, 55(1959): 65–112 [1959]. (records)
44 ... 732
24. 1956 Gläßel K.
Ergänzungen und Bemerkungen zu: Dr. Karl Singer,Die Käfer (Coleoptera).Beiträge zur Fauna des unteren Maingebietesvon Hanau bis Würzburg mit Einschluß des Spessarts.
Nachrichtenblatt der Bayerischen Entomologen 5(10): 100-102. [15.x.1956].
3 ... 2778
25. 1938 Lona C.
Curculionidae: Otiorrhynchinae III.
IN: S. Schenkling (ed.), Coleopterorum Catalogus. W. Junk, Pars 162. Berlin, pp. 413–600.. (records)
5 ... 345
26. 1922 Formánek R.
Zehn neue Curculioniden nebst Bemerkungen über bekannte.
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung, 39(1–4): 73–84.. (records)
8 ... 474
27. 1918 Hansen V.
Biller IV. Snudebiller.
Danmarks Fauna, Bd. 22. København: G.E.C. Gads Forlag. 340 pp.. (illustrations, keys)
28 ... 2708
28. 1915 Suvorov G.L.
Novye rody i vidy zhestkokrylykh (Coleoptera, Curculionidae i Cerambycidae) palearkticheskoj oblasti [New genera and species of palaearctic Coleoptera (Coleoptera, Curculionidae and Cerambycidae)].
Revue Russe d'Entomologie, 15 (3): 327–346.
10 ... 698
29. 1913 Smirnov D.
Морфологический анализ и филогения группы видов рода Phyllobius Schoenh. типа glaucus Scop. (Coleoptera, Curculionidae).
Тр. Русск. энтомол. общ–ва, Т. 40, вып. 4. С. 1–150.. (records)
6 ... 866
30. 1902 Reitter E.
Fünfzehnter Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna von Europa und den angrenzenden Ländern.
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung, 21: 191–196.. (records)
3 ... 1346
31. 1881 Faust J.
Beiträge zur Kenntaiss der Käfer des Europäischen und Asiatischen Russlands mit Einschluss der Küsten des kaspischen Meeres. (3 Fortsetzung).
Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae, 16(3/4): 285–333. [1.xi.1881]. (description, records)
12 ... 1498
32. 1880 Flach K.
Ueber Phyllobius alneti F. und Ph. calcaratus F.
Deutsche Entomologische Zeistschrift, 24: 225–226. (records)
4 ... 2132
33. 1873 Desbrochers des Loges J.
Monographie des Phyllobiides d’Europe at des confins de la Medeterranee en Afriques et en Asie.
L’Abeille, 11: 693–748. (records)
4 ... 446

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