Ukrainian Biodiversity Information Network
Національна мережа інформації з біорізноманіття
  Catalogue »  Animalia »  Arthropoda »  Insecta »  Coleoptera »  Polyphaga »  Cucujiformia »  Curculionoidea »  Curculionidae »  Molytinae Schoenherr, 1823     [species]
Subfamily:  Molytinae Schoenherr, 1823

References: 74/108 (0/9)

Geography Taxa
1. Afghanistan 1
2. Albania 8
3. Algeria 1
4. Angola 10
5. Armenia 1
6. Australia 3
7. Austria 36
8. Azerbaijan 4
9. Bangladesh 1
10. Belarus 1
11. Belgium 2
12. Benin 1
13. Botswana 1
14. Bulgaria 20
15. Burkina Faso 1
16. Burundi 1
17. Cambodia 1
18. Cameroon 10
19. Canada 2
20. Central African Republic 3
21. Chad 3
22. China 8
23. Comoros 2
24. Congo 8
25. Croatia 3
26. Cyprus 1
27. Czech Republic 2
28. Democratic Republic of Congo 16
29. Denmark 16
30. Equatorial Guinea 3
31. Estonia 2
32. Ethiopia 6
33. Finland 1
34. France 40
35. Gabon 5
36. Gambia 1
37. Georgia 52
1. Abkhazia 48
38. Germany 32
39. Ghana 2
40. Greece 25
41. Guinea 2
42. Guinea-Bissau 1
43. Hungary 30
44. India 7
1. Andaman and Nicobar Ilsands 1
2. Andaman Is. 1
45. Indonesia 3
1. Borneo 2
2. Java 7
3. Sulawesi 1
4. Sumatra 3
46. Iran 3
47. Italy 3
48. Ivory Coast 9
49. Japan 7
50. Kazakhstan 3
51. Kenya 10
52. Kyrgyzstan 2
53. Laos 2
54. Lebanon 1
55. Liberia 2
56. Lithuania 1
57. Madagascar 15
58. Malawi 1
59. Malaysia 3
60. Mali 1
61. Mauritius 5
62. Micronesia 1
63. Moldova 8
64. Morocco 1
65. Mozambique 3
66. Myanmar 3
1. Burma 1
67. Namibia 1
68. Netherlands 15
69. New Zealand 3
70. Niger 1
71. Nigeria 1
72. North Korea 2
73. Norway 10
74. Pakistan 1
75. Papua New Guinea 2
76. Philippines 5
77. Poland 4
78. Portugal 2
79. Reunion 1
80. Romania 25
81. Russian Federation 1
1. Caucasus 2
2. European Russia 2
3. Far East of Russia 5
82. Rwanda 3
83. Senegal 7
84. Serbia 2
85. Sierra Leone 3
86. Slovakia 31
87. Solomon Islands 1
88. Somalia 1
89. South Africa 12
90. South Korea 2
1. Korea 2
91. Spain 2
92. Sri Lanka 3
93. Sudan 1
94. Sweden 1
95. Switzerland 3
96. Taiwan 5
97. Tajikistan 1
98. Tanzania 26
99. Thailand 2
100. Togo 5
101. Turkey 14
102. Turkmenistan 1
103. Uganda 2
104. Ukraine 49
1. Chernivetska oblast 2
2. Kharkivska oblast 3
105. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1
1. Great Britain 13
106. United States of America 4
107. Uzbekistan 1
108. Vietnam 1
109. Zambia 1
110. Zimbabwe 1

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